Vitality Specific Chiropractic Blog

Why Every Runner Needs a Chiropractor in Ballard Seattle WA

Why Every Runner Needs a Chiropractor in Ballard Seattle WA

Why Every Runner Needs a Chiropractor in Ballard Seattle WA Running is one of the most liberating and healthy forms of physical activity one can choose. Along with the cardiovascular benefits of the exercise, there’s that runner’s high that runners claim is intoxicating and keeps them coming back for more. That said, running is, however,…

3 Ways We Are Different in Ballard Seattle WA

3 Ways We Are Different in Ballard Seattle WA

3 Ways We Are Different in Ballard Seattle WA We educate our patients on what Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Ballard Seattle WA is and how it has helped others like yourself. We strive to give you the best Upper Cervical Chiropractic experience that you have ever had or ever will have. Why our Ballard Seattle…

5 Tips for Winter in Ballard Seattle WA

5 Tips for Winter in Ballard Seattle WA

5 Tips for Winter in Ballard Seattle WA Millions of people in Ballard Seattle WA slip and fall on ice and or snow in one way or another. Here are some tips to help prevent an injury in Ballard Seattle WA. Traction Wear boots or shoes with good traction. Boots with Vibram Arctic Grip or…

Whiplash Injuries in Ballard Seattle WA

Whiplash Injuries in Ballard Seattle WA

Whiplash Injuries in Ballard Seattle WA Unfortunately, we never know when we might get into a motor vehicle accident (MVA) in Ballard Seattle WA. It’s a fact that 93% of rear-impact collisions are the striking driver’s inattention. So, although you may be driving safely yourself, those around you may not be. Studies show that there…

Natural Healthcare for Migraine Headaches in Ballard Seattle WA

Natural Healthcare for Migraine Headaches in Ballard Seattle WA

Natural Healthcare for Migraine Headaches in Ballard Seattle WA According to the Migraine Research Foundation 1 in every 10 people suffers from migraines and 38 million Americans suffer from migraines. Women are 2-3 times more likely than men to suffer from migraine and there may be a genetic component to those who experience a migraine.…

Texting Neck & Neck Pain in Ballard Seattle WA

Texting Neck & Neck Pain in Ballard Seattle WA

Texting Neck & Neck Pain in Ballard Seattle WA The leading cause of neck pain in children and young adults in Ballard Seattle WA is texting neck, or what we call an anterior head carriage. Think of all the children that are using various devices such as cell phones and tablets. Notice their posture; heads…